Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Der Stille Berg (The Silent Mountain)

15th August 2014

This is a short post but one that I think worth sharing. Last Friday I went to the open air cinema in Innsbruck with a friend and we sat through the pouring rain under approximately 75% protection from our umbrellas watching Der Stille Berg (The Silent Mountain). 

Der Stille Berg (trailer link) is set in South Tirol during the 1st World War, and though it focuses on a love relationship between a young Austrian and an Italian girl, it does a beautiful job of simultaneously highlighting the futility and community wrenching truth of war. It's not a film that one would describe as 'nice' per se, but, in that it invites and impels the viewer to contemplate the current world situation through the eyes of history - it is excellent. It's in the German (Tirolean dialect) and Italian (maybe also Tirolean dialect) languages, but perhaps if you don't possess these, there is a sub-titled version available somewhere. Whatever - Go see it!


  1. Thanks Dave, for your take on our movie THE SILENT MOUNTAIN, I am glad that it triggered a reflection on the current state of affairs. I will share your take on our FB page.

    Ernst Gossner

  2. Danke Ernst, der film hat mich wirklich zum nachdenken gebracht. Gratuliere!
